Discover everything about my personal works as a game dev, mostly on Apple platforms


Managing SKView Render Resolution Through Content Scaling

Managing SKView Render Resolution Through Content Scaling
While working on the authoring tools for The Untitled Project, I realized that running the game at native Retina resolution was not possible on low-end GPUs. I needed a way to render the content of my SKView at a lower resolution. However, the documentation does not provide directions on this subject. In this post, I explain how I finally get to the solution and how to implement it.
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Why I Quit Using SwiftUI

Why I Quit Using SwiftUI
SwiftUI is currently the new trend in the Apple development world. And I wanted to give it a try. I did. However, in this post, I explain why I went back to AppKit for The Untitled Project's authoring tools.
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It's Not a Bug. It's a URL Feature

It's Not a Bug. It's a URL Feature
As always, the bug was between the chair and the keyboard. In this post, I discuss the weird bug I encountered in my code with the counter-intuitive URL struct initializers of the Foundation framework.
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The Untitled Project - Why Apple Only?

The Untitled Project - Why Apple Only?
In my previous post, I introduced The Untitled Project as a project targeting only Apple platforms. This may sound strange. Obviously, using only Apple proprietary frameworks basically prevents you from releasing your apps and games anywhere else easily. Why would anyone make that choice in the first place? In this post, I'll talk about my reasons, other than personal preference.
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The Untitled Project

The Untitled Project
In 2021, I decided to learn Swift, SpriteKit and many of the other gaming-related Apple frameworks. That's how SKTetris was born. And now, I want to do something bigger. But I don't know what. Hence why, in this post, I call it The Untitled Project.
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About Me

Senior Unity Developer at Alt Shift by day, hobbyist game dev the rest of the time, this devlog is all about my personal works.
Apple user for more than 15 years. Expect most projects here to be Apple-compatible only.

If you're looking for info about Alt Shift's commercial projects, check my Medium page, or Alt Shift social accounts.